Jan 25, 2022
LLN (1/24/22) – A bill in Washington state would give truckers access to more parking, while efforts to work with state DOTs are underway in Missouri and Ohio. Meanwhile other states are working to reform police-dispatched towing. Also, a lot of people who enter trucking have a goal – owning their own truck and being their own boss. You have to start with spec’ing a rig. Greg Frary of Truck Tractor Trailer.com offers some advice. And making an insurance claim is never fun, but with a few steps it can be a bit easier. The experts from OOIDA’s truck insurance department explain the preventative steps you can be taking right now that make filing claims a lot less painful.
0:00 – Newscast.
09:43 – Spec’ing a used truck.
23:55 – Insurance claims.
38:34 – Parking, towing.