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Each day's show includes a newscast keyed to the most important and current issues in trucking, national and state legislative analysis, as well as longer pieces that cover everything from truckers' lifestyle to regulatory information.

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Jul 31, 2024

Two members of the Advisory Committee on Underride Protection express concern about the group’s lack of consensus and unwillingness to consider worries about a mandate. Also, change is coming to the freight market, but it’s coming slowly. Brent Hutto of Truckstop shares the latest data from the market.

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Jul 30, 2024

Speed limiters are just one of the issues in the House version of the annual spending bill, but the Senate version is very different. Also, Greg Frary of Truck Tractor Trailer walks us through the biggest investment you’ll make as an owner-operator – buying a truck. And what happens if your state revokes your...

Jul 29, 2024

Author and historian Mark Levinson relates the story of Malcolm McLean, a pioneer in the use of shipping containers – and a truck driver. Also, several members of Congress have spoken out on the issue of speed limiters, and one of them is Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia. Land Line Now brings you some of comments.


Jul 26, 2024

A misrepresentation of data about speed limiters by a congressman during a House subcommittee hearing led off the top news of the week. Also, the American Logistics Aid Network steps in to organize the logistics when disasters strike in the U.S. – and there are a lot right now. And large carriers continue to talk...

Jul 25, 2024

OOIDA Executive Vice President Lewie Pugh told Congress this week that to fix issues like speed limiters, AEBs and more, legislators need to listen to truckers. OOIDA Director of Federal Affairs Jay Grimes offers some analysis of the hearing. Also, Tom Crowley and Aron Lynch of OOIDA's Compliance Department discuss...